We use advocacy as part of our 4 building blocks for liberation by:
- Building civic power through redistricting—organizing campaigns to redraw equitable district lines to ensure that representation is accurate
- Educating Southeast Asian communities about their civic power
- Creating and launching our Advocacy Training group, an intergenerational cohort whose main focus is to learn how to be effective advocates for people impacted by deportation
- Advocating for universal representation through our project in collaboration with Vera Institute of Justice and SAFE Network
- Working with National Networks on the Right To Be Together national policy & working with Detention Watch Network (DWN) and other partners to minimize immigrant detention
- Advocating for policy change by building power with national networks and coalitions
Leadership Development
We use leadership development as part of our 4 building blocks for liberation by:
- Providing leadership development for impacted community members
- Organizing meetings with congressional leaders and impacted folks
- Supporting our Core Team members as they rise up our leadership ladder
- Offering a summer youth program that encourages conversations around topics such as consent
Community Organizing
We use community organizing as part of our 4 building blocks for liberation by:
- Offering legal clinics and legal kiosks to empower the community with legal knowledge of their rights and provide assistance for their cases
- Organizing record clearance clinic and post conviction relief with the Decriminalizing Communities Coalition
- Providing COVID-19 Rapid Response Relief
- Providing resources for impacted families to advocate for themselves through power mapping, narratives, and accompaniments